Who is this guy?

Where to begin? It all started 41 years ago in a hospital in Poughkeepsie, New York. That might be a little too far back. I'm a husband to a lovely of wife and a father to a precious little eight year girl. We also own a bagle, a beagle/bassett hound, called Shiloh who is about four. I'm a lieutenant with the New York City Fire Department going on 11 years now. A big chunk of my time currently is spent on my online classes through Liberty University. I am completing my Psychology degree with the plan of moving on to Nyack Theological Seminary after. These are my plans, but I am fully aware of Who makes the final plans. Which brings us to the most important thing... I am also a Jesus Freak! Yes, a God fearing servant to a God who does not get tired of my mess ups! My wife and I started on the journey to healthy living around 3 months ago. It is surely a process which is not easy. I grew up in a typical Puerto Rican home with huge dinners of rice, beans and a variety of fried meats. Although I was always conscious of my eating habits and choices, I never worried about it. It all came to a crashing halt last year when I was diagnosed with severe hypertension. When I say severe, I mean 260/110, possible stroke severe. This journey begins with a fork in the road. I can live a life controlled by medication and side effects which will eventually kill me anyway or I can choose to change my lifestyle and live the life that was planned for us to live. Is there really an option?

The family in Belmar, NJ 2011
Yankee Stadium 2011

My Better Half
Riviera Maya, Mexico


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